Getting around DC
The bus stops are between two streets that run east-west: Constitution and Independence avenues. Constitution Avenue runs along the northern border of the Capital Building grounds, and Independence Avenue runs along the southern border of the Capital Building grounds.
The Senate buildings (Russell, then Dirkson and finally Hart) are along Constitution Avenue, across the street from the Capital Building grounds. The House buildings (Rayburn, then Longworth and finally Cannon) are along Independence Avenue, across the street from the Capital Building grounds.
Between Independence and Constitution Avenues, First Street has two circles where the sidewalk and street go around monuments, and these are where the two bus stops are.
Peace Circle is about a half block south of Constitution Avenue, and Garfield Circle is about a half block north of Independence Avenue. The sidewalk along First Street going north from Independence Avenue is straight for about a half block when it crosses a very wide driveway into the Capitol grounds. After crossing the driveway, First Street's sidewalk makes a semi-circle at Garfield Circle, then continues north for a block and makes another semi-circle at Peace Circle. First Street then crosses another very wide driveway which goes into the Capitol grounds. After crossing that driveway, the First Street sidewalk continues straight for about a half block to Constitution Avenue. ​
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